Our Goal

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Respecxt and Martial Arts go hand in hand. As adopted from Asian cultures practices such as bowing, removing one's shoes and showing difference to a more senior ranking student are all methods of demonstrating respect


To be physically healthy, mentally focused and emotionally self confident


Perseverance goes far deeper than just its value in Martial Arts. A "never give up " attitude will benefit you at school, at home and in yor personal and proffessional lives


Self Control meaans more than just avoiding conflict, it represnt staying balanced in all areas of ones life. Learn to control your impulses. Apply moderation to the ammount of eating, socaaializing, work and even exercise that you do. AS your self control and self discipline improve, you will enjoy the feeling of being more in charge of your emotons and actions.


"Do the right thing".Ido theright thing even if itis not popular with others. i take pride in taking care of myself and my things. I keep my promises.

Remember..." The Tae Kwon Do Are For Everyone"

You can do it, Good Luck.